What users say
“Joni Berardi-Williams, Independent user, Mentor, OH, MS”
I love being able to do things for myself. I have always been the one to do things for others, not the other way around, so I love that my SureHands lift lets me be independent.

“SureHands® has moved us into the 21st century with EASE”
Our large (546 bed) residential, state facility has approximately 150 non-ambulatory, developmentally disabled individuals, many of whom are aging, medically fragile and with multiple handicaps. A large component of Physical Therapist’s time includes ongoing in-servicing on proper body mechanics and manual lifting techniques as well as instruction on mechanical lift systems.

“Your lifts offer dignity, value and independence to my kids every single day.”
A lot of customers love their SureHands lifts, but it is something special when a customer rises to the level of advocate. That is what we have in Mary Caruso! A mom with two children with Friedreich’s ataxia, it is second nature for Mary to speak up for what she believes in. “We have your lifts in our home since 2005. I remember the day my kids, Sam and Alexandria, sat through multiple demonstrations from the different vendors. They knew immediately that the SureHands lift was for them. To this day they call their lifts the lift with dignity. Those lifts have traveled to college and back home. They have used the lifts independently for many years, through college etc. Currently, they use the lift with assistance. It is so versatile yet lets people maintain dignity.”

“For functionality, safety, and reliability, you can’t beat my SureHands”
I have found the SureHands® to be a very reliable piece of equipment. I have had only one problem in 6 years, and that was only due to normal wear and tear, and was immediately repaired.

“The lift helps improve the safety of mounting and dismounting our riders.”
Spirit Therapeutic Riding Center 1051 Sorenson Road Ellensburg, WA 98926 www.spirittrc.com
“I knew SureHands was the right company to let me be independent”
Having been an OT Assistant I know my equipment, and I knew SureHands had the lift I could use to get in and out of bed by myself. It’s been 30 years since my spinal aneurysm and the free-standing lift system in my bedroom has been so helpful I have decided to get a second SureHands lift for the bathroom.

“You’ve given me my life back.”
It’s so nice not to have nurses come in to take care of me anymore… all because of my SureHands® lift system. And, yes, I’m still taking showers for as long as I want even though it’s been seven years since I purchased my lift. Recently I calculated the amount of money I have saved in nursing costs since I got my lift. It’s approximately $250,000. Keep in mind this does not account for inflation; I’m sure they make far more now!!!

“My SureHands lift is the greatest thing since sliced bread”
I have been using a SureHands Lift & Care System for over 20 years, in Connecticut and now in Florida, and it is by far the best lift system out of any of them! The Body Support picks me up so I can move with a lot less work than a sling. A Palm Beach Fire & Rescue worker recognized the difference and told me he thought it was the best system he had seen.
“My SureHands lift does everything I need it to do and it is so easy to use”
Only a year ago, I had a little mobility with the aid of a walker, but I was falling a lot. That is when I called SureHands Lift & Care Systems. Carol from SureHands came to my house and did a demo, answered my questions, and was very helpful in finding the right solution for me.

“A sense of independence and confidence in our student”
The SureHandS® lift has not only provided safe and easy transfers but has promoted a sense of independence and confidence in our student.”“Karl Davis is a 13 year old boy who attends seventh grade at Valley Central Middle School. He has a medical diagnosis of Duchenne’s MuscularDystrophy. He negotiates the school environment using a manual wheelchair and with the assistance of a 1:1 Para-professional.
“My SureHands® lift has given back to me some of my independence.”
I need no longer worry that one of my caregivers runs the risk of putting their back out while assisting me. In addition to all of this it greatly helps with the effort of getting me dressed.
“I've been a SureHands® user since 1993”
I want to commend you and your employees for two decades of exemplary service.

“I can count on SureHands to be my perfect “assistant” and get the job done right”
I have been using SureHands lifts on a daily basis since Junior High School and they have followed me from home, through college, then graduate school where I received my Ph.D in clinical psychology, and now at my place of work where I am a psychologist.
“SureHands lift systems are amazing!”
When we first got the SureHands ceiling lift over the bed, my husband Bob could use it independently with a Body Support. Even as his ALS progressed, Bob could still manage to bring the lift to himself, keeping him as independent as possible. With the openness of the Body Support, I could get his pants down and dress him without rolling him over in the bed. It was a lot easier on him, and it made it a lot easier for me.