Freedom is Closer than You Think

icon Independent use

Independent use

If your abilities allow, you can use a continuous ceiling track and motor to move conveniently and independently between rooms. Access the bath on your own with a SureHands Body Support or Seat Sling. You can also move independently from a wheelchair directly into a tub. Ask your SureHands representative to work with you to design a system that allows for access to the tub, the toilet and the bed.

icon Attendant use - bed, bath, toilet, ...

Attendant use - bed, bath, toilet, ...

SureHands specializes in customized lift solutions for the home. A ceiling lift, a mobile lift, a wall lift or a stand-assist can all be used with the assistance of an attendant to make safe and easy transfers. All SureHands Lifts can be used with a SureHands Body Support or a SureHands Sling to reduce the risk of injuries to the user and the caregiver.

icon In and out of bed

In and out of bed

It is possible to get in and out of bed independently if your abilities allow. A SureHands ceiling lift and Body Support can take you directly from your bed to other rooms, helping you to achieve the highest level of independence possible. Ask your SureHands representative for a free in-home demonstration to determine the best lifting solution for you.

icon To the toilet

To the toilet

If your physical limitations do not prevent it, you can use a ceiling motor with a body support to go to the toilet on your own.

icon Access to the tub

Access to the tub

If your abilities allow, you can use a continuous ceiling track and motor to move conveniently and independently between rooms. Access the bath on your own with a SureHands Body Support or Seat Sling. You can also move independently from a wheelchair directly into a tub. Ask your SureHands representative to work with you to design a system that allows for access to the tub.

icon In and out of the pool

In and out of the pool

Easily move directly between you wheelchair and a swimming pool or therapy pool. This requires only one attendant and no physical exertion. There are two options here: a mobile pool lift or a ceiling motor with a rail system.

icon  Long Term Care Facilities

Long Term Care Facilities

Transfers to and from the bed and to and from the bath/shower are the most popular in Long Term Care Facilities. Mobile lifters and stand assists are most commonly found in these environments because of their versatility. However, utilizing an overhead ceiling system may also be a good solution.

icon Schools and day treatment programs

Schools and day treatment programs

Toileting and hygiene are the most common reasons for transferring students with disabilities in public and private school settings. SureHands has great experience providing solutions for the tight bathroom spaces often found in schools.

icon Horseback riding

Horseback riding

Horseback riding is a very popular therapy for people with disabilities. Getting on and off the horse is very easy with the SureHands body support and ceiling track system.

icon Adapting your home

Adapting your home

Your SureHands representative can help you with his experience to adapt your home in the best way possible. Our advice is free.

icon Other transfer solutions

Other transfer solutions

Would you like to transfer into a relaxing Jacuzzi… or your favorite recliner? Into the shower or bathtub or onto the commode? Switch from one chair to another or access treatment or change tables? Take a road trip and be able to transfer in your motor home? There is a SureHands solution for your special transfer needs.

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