How to choose a sling size?

The table below may serve as a guide for choosing the right sling size.

Exceptions may occur, depending on the user’s physique. 

Standard sling
 Body length of the user (inch) XS S M L XL
 43 up to 62 Lbs 62-73 Lbs 79-106 Lbs    
 47 up to 73 Lbs 73-95 Lbs 95-128 Lbs    
 51 up to 79 Lbs 73-110 Lbs 88-150 Lbs    
 55   up to 88 Lbs 88-127 Lbs    
 59   up to 88 Lbs 88-185 Lbs    
 63   up to 110 Lbs 110-198 Lbs 185-220 Lbs  
 67   up to 110 Lbs 110-216 Lbs 216-247 Lbs above 247 Lbs
 71     110-220 Lbs 220-251 Lbs above 251 Lbs
 75     110-220 Lbs 220-251 Lbs above 251 Lbs
 79     132-220 Lbs 220-251 Lbs above 251 Lbs
Toiletting sling
 Body length of the user (inch) XS S M L XL
 43 up to 66 Lbs 66-79 Lbs 79-106 Lbs    
 47 up to 79 Lbs 79-95 Lbs 95-110 Lbs    
 51 up to 84 Lbs 84-110 Lbs 110-172 Lbs    
 55 up to 88 Lbs up to 88 Lbs 110-172 Lbs    
 59 up to 88 Lbs up to 93 Lbs 110-198 Lbs    
 63 up to 93 Lbs up to 110 Lbs 110-220 Lbs    
 67   up to 168 Lbs 132-220 Lbs 200-265 Lbs above 265 Lbs
 71   up to 172 Lbs 132-220 Lbs 234-265 Lbs above 265 Lbs
 75     168-234 Lbs 238-265 Lbs above 265 Lbs
 79     168-243 Lbs 243-265 Lbs above 265 Lbs

The results of a survey carried out on 110 individuals located in three organisations for the disabled and one care home which included children as well as adults with both congenital and non-congenital physical impairments and where the participating individuals were lifted in a sitting position using the shortest loop around the shoulders and the longest on the legs. Those tested had a BMI between 15 and 40 (BMI = weight / length²).

Selecting the correct size

In the left hand column select the user’s body length. On the same row select the user’s body weight. The corresponding column will now display the sizes appropriate for this user. Because of differences in body shape from one person to another, users of the same weight and length may not always fit into the same size.


Users with a body length of  63in and weighing between 110-198 lbs preferably select size M(edium).

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